* The Night *

學習。 從低角度去看一些似乎不太重要,卻又能讓你開心的事。。。

Monday 1 April 2013

round 190 忙起來的四月份

186  的後續

真抱歉啦  朋友

昨天  昏睡了一整天
從 2pm 就睡到今早 7.30am

我有信心能睡足 24 小時

結果不懂爲什麽會上到 sitiawan 那麼遠去
拜大佛  吃麵綫




要是沒了 " 姐姐 " 這號人物的存在




但一個家廳  總會有個叛逆的人的

這個四月  決定了要去做的那件事

唉   告訴

他們吶  把我訓練成了一個不愛傾訴的人兒了

這讓我  怪煩惱的

p/s  :  其實很想睡了

1 comment:

  1. Feel like writing something to you. And since it was our first trip on our own..
    What i can remember was the moment we walk out of BKI, stepping on the long long endless road and the thought cross my mind - oh my god, i know backpacking means walking but i cant imagine walking like this for 5 days and some more knowing nothing about locations and all those. But then i dont know how we ended up just driving driving and driving.Yea, it was frustrating when you drive and drive but didnt seems to reach the destination but honestly, i did kind of enjoy the journey. Remember the drive back to town from Kuala Penyu on the second day? Maybe because that time was evening and the weather was quite nice with the view on both side of the road , so it was a little relaxing and felt some kind of peace and calm. And then the third day to Kundasang, i am not sure if it is normal for me to be that calm because i dont feel panic at all when the car engine was polluting the air.I mean i feel that something lucky will happen whenever we are in trouble, we get helps when we need them. And then one thing that i feel grateful is that the next morning of the third night, you didnt tell me that it wasnt you who off the TV until we left the hotel. Sometimes i was not sure if you're frustrated when things arent going according to plan but i just wish that things turn out okay. But of course for the monumentS, you can just get angry. There are still a lot of things and it'll take too long to mention all. I am now a charcoal and i have the thought of changing my name to Coal (sounds cool also). All because of islands, within 6 hours...... By the way, when we did nothing there but you sat down facing the seas, your back looks so sad and full of sorrow HAHAHAA. And i cant seem to forget the blonde guy with guitar on his back... Only if i am 20 years younger....
